The Limmari Massacre of Pietransieri

In November 1943, Pietransieri and the hamlet of Limmari, in the Abruzzi municipality of Roccaraso, were the scene of a violent and heinous act of terrorism carried out by the German army. A massacre that began on November 16th, and reached a maximum with a huge explosion on the 21st of the same month.

There are 128 victims, men, women and children. A massacre long forgotten and reconstructed only in the second half of the 1990s.

limmari accadimenti

The events

The historical context and the reconstruction of the main events from 16 to 21/11/1943.

limmari vittime eccidio

The victims of the massacre

The 128 victims of the Limmari Massacre that today rest in the shrine of Pietransieri.
limmari racconto virginia

The story of Virginia

The testimony of Virginia Macerelli, the sole survivor of 21/11/1943 war events.

"The first Germans Military Units arrived during the days following the insurrection of Naples. More military members appeared in the first fortnight of October to reconnoiter the areas of the high mountains. They gravitated in the territory of Pietransieri to study the lands, make topographical surveys and prepare the plan for the work of fortification..."

The path of memory

To discover the places that were the scene of the events of the Limmari Massacre.
Consult the interactive map and the path dedicated to the memory.

limmari pubblicazioni


All the texts dedicated to the Limmari Massacre from 1972 to today.
limmari iniziative


The main initiatives and events dedicated to the memory of the massacre.
limmari link utili video

Useful links and videos

Video testimonies and web pages dedicated to the Limmari massacre.
regione abruzzo
provincia aquila
comune roccaraso