
Following are the initiatives that, from 1945 to 2013, have contributed and contribute to keep alive the memory of the Limmari massacre.

November 20th, 1945

First procession that takes place every year in Pietransieri in the places of the Limmari Massacre.

November 21, 1949

First official commemoration of the massacre in the session of the Chamber of Deputies.

15 July 1967

Gold Medal for Military Valor awarded to Pietransieri by the President of the Republic Giuseppe Saragat.
limmari iniziative commemorazione
limmari iniziative processione

April 17, 2007

The Mayor of Rome, Walter Veltroni, leads a delegation of 200 students and teachers from 35 secondary schools in Rome, involved in the educational project "We remember".

November 21st, 2009

Conference in Pietransieri to which they participate: Prof. Raffaele Colapietra, historian; Ugo Del Castello, writer; Prof. Piero Melograni, historian; Giovanni D'Alessandro, writer; Dr. Rodolfo De Laurentis, Cons. Cda RAI; Dr. Antonio Intelisano, military prosecutor; Gen. Domenicantonio Santarelli, general of brigade; Paola Di Salvatore, executive Ass. pol. Cultur. Abruzzo Region; Dr. Giuseppe Giannotti, artistic director RAI history.

May 2012

Documentary "Il Sangue dei Limmari " (The blood of Limmari) aired on RAISTORIA which will be followed by 28 replicas until November 2015.

June 2013

Visit to the Vatican to the Holy Father Pope Francis of a small delegation of which Virginia Macerelli and the Mayor of Roccaraso are part.

November 4th, 2013

Visit to the President of the Republic of a delegation including Virginia Macerelli and the Mayor of Roccaraso.
limmari iniziative convegno
limmari iniziative processione commemorazione

17 november 2013

For the 70th anniversary, Conference in Roccaraso with the participation of: Prof. Michele Mirabella, moderator; Dr. Francesco Di Donato, Mayor of Roccaraso; Hon.le Giovanni Legnini, Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council; Dr. Nicola Mastronardi, journalist and writer; Avv. Lando Sciuba, lawyer and historian; Dr. Antonio Intelisano, General Military Prosecutor at the Court of Cassation; Dr. Daniel Cardenas, parish priest of three communities of the Major Highlands; Mgr. Angelo Spina, Bishop of Sulmona-Valva; Gen. Domenicantonio Santarelli, Brigadier General; Prof. Francesco Sabatini, university lecturer. Francesco Sabatini, university professor and President of the Accademia della Crusca; Dr. Lutz Klinkhammer, historian member of the Germanic Historical Institute of Rome; Prof.ssa Gabriella Gribaudi, university professor of Contemporary History, University of Naples "Federico II"; Avv. Ferdinando Franceschelli, lawyer, university researcher; Dr. Roberto Olla, Editor-in-chief of Tg1Storia and Tg1Dialogo; Capt. Andrea Crescenzi, Officer in charge of the 2nd Section of the Archives of the Historical Office of the Army General Staff; Lawyer Lucio Olivieri, lawyer defending the Community of Pietransieri.