17 november 2013
For the 70th anniversary, Conference in Roccaraso with the participation of: Prof. Michele Mirabella, moderator; Dr. Francesco Di Donato, Mayor of Roccaraso; Hon.le Giovanni Legnini, Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council; Dr. Nicola Mastronardi, journalist and writer; Avv. Lando Sciuba, lawyer and historian; Dr. Antonio Intelisano, General Military Prosecutor at the Court of Cassation; Dr. Daniel Cardenas, parish priest of three communities of the Major Highlands; Mgr. Angelo Spina, Bishop of Sulmona-Valva; Gen. Domenicantonio Santarelli, Brigadier General; Prof. Francesco Sabatini, university lecturer. Francesco Sabatini, university professor and President of the Accademia della Crusca; Dr. Lutz Klinkhammer, historian member of the Germanic Historical Institute of Rome; Prof.ssa Gabriella Gribaudi, university professor of Contemporary History, University of Naples "Federico II"; Avv. Ferdinando Franceschelli, lawyer, university researcher; Dr. Roberto Olla, Editor-in-chief of Tg1Storia and Tg1Dialogo; Capt. Andrea Crescenzi, Officer in charge of the 2nd Section of the Archives of the Historical Office of the Army General Staff; Lawyer Lucio Olivieri, lawyer defending the Community of Pietransieri.